Recent content by vorzakone

  1. V

    V1.7 Abandoned Cart Reminder prestashop

    Run any script inside our out side his website?
  2. V

    V1.7 SHT Cronjobs v1.0.0 addon for Prestashop

    thx bro for sharing. i will test it
  3. V

    v1.6-v1.7 Prestashop 1.6.x.x-1.7.x.x XML Feeds Pro Module

    Thx bro for sharing. Very useful.
  4. V

    Warehouse - iQit Prestashop 1.7 theme with elementor - 4.5.1 very best theme

    I like demo12, for a children's toy store.
  5. V

    V1.7 Warehouse - iQit Prestashop 1.7 theme with elementor - 4.5.3

    Thanks for share this prestashop theme!!! 1651327937 I like demo12, for a children's toy store. 1651328109 But the file no longer exists....
  6. V

    Module Moving And Assigning Products Between Categories {v1.4.6}

    Thank you for sharing. I was looking for this 1651072871 Error installing module. May not be compatible with 1.7.8?
  7. V

    v1.6-v1.7 Prestashop Barcode generator & read

    Does this module also generate EAN / JAN codes?
  8. V

    v1.6-v1.7 Mass products move/associate between categories Module

    Super! Awesome, i need to check if it works for us. 1651072043 non working on 1.7.8
  9. V

    V1.7 Presta Speed v5.6.0

    Great module! Thanks! I really need this module!