Search results

  1. iSAlexHere

    [8WR] XenAtendo (Events) PRO 1.1.5

    Its no secret that I absolutely hated the original XenAtendo. It was a simple RSVP system, in which feature creep ended up turning it into something I didn't want. The calendar system was tacked on and everything was poorly programmed. This new version has been built from the ground up...
  2. iSAlexHere

    Xenforo 1 [8WR] Ultimate Random Header 1.0.0

    Remember, I am unemployed programmer and this mod is free! If you appreciate the work here, please donate. You guys would not believe how many messages and emails I get from people asking how I do the random header background I have on 8WayRun.Com. Well as it turns out, this is actually I...
  3. iSAlexHere

    XenForo 1 [8WR] Discord Integration 1.0.9

    This addon allows users to link their account to their forum account. It also links your users database directly to the roles and nicks of your Discord Guild members. Demos: Features: Allow registration/login through the Discord Oauth system. Assign roles on your...
  4. iSAlexHere

    Xenforo 1 (CSI/XF/BBC) Highlight.js 1.0.0

    highlight.js Syntax highlighting for the Web My first addon, sorry... Highlight.js is a syntax highlighter written in JavaScript. It works in the browser as well as on the server. It works with pretty much any markup, doesn't depend on any framework and has automatic language detection...
  5. iSAlexHere

    #Rekt - With Custom Homepage!

    Link to homepage: #Rekt Homepage | XenForo Demo Thank you! ThemeHouse
  6. iSAlexHere

    V1.7 Furniture Store Template

    Overview Furniture Store Responsive Theme is design for Modern, Furniture, Home, Decor, Chairs, Kitchen, Ceramic, Art, Grocery, Accessories, Wood, Toys, Fashion, Medicine, Foods, sports, minimal and multi purpose stores. It looks very clean and professional. Shop Type Furniture Store Responsive...