Search results

  1. T

    V1.7 Minify HTML CSS JS - Incredibly speed optimization V 3.1.3

    Aren't these things already in PrestaShop under the CCC option? Can someone please explain to me what the difference is?
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    V1.7 Cash on Delivery with fee 2.5.1 latest

    This is version 2.3.3, not 2.5.1.. Just wanted you to know..
  3. T

    v1.6-v1.7 Cash on delivery (COD) 1.7.4 ,work on 1.7.7

    This module has very strangenge overrides... is this module ok??!
  4. T

    v1.6-v1.7 Which Cookie Policy module is best?

    Hello, I would like to ask you which Cookie Policy module you prefer to use? Which one works as it should? Which one has the best or nicely written code (clean code)? Which one is written according to PrestaShop instructions? Which one does not affect page speed (and SEO)? Thank you very...
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    v1.6-v1.7 Advanced Search 4 - Filters & Search 4.12.14

    Hey guys! How is this module so different from other filter modules? I just don't understand? Thanky for answer!
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    V1.7 WAREHOUSE 4.5.1 (Last version) - Responsive 1.6 - 1.7 Theme

    I think this doesent work. 1639153781 This theme? *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    v1.6-v1.7 Question: Creative Elementor

    I installed Warehouse 4.5.1 to my server. Warehouse is build by Elementor Q: What code is created by the Creative elementor? Is code ok? Is it clean? What about SEO? Thank you for your help. Br, T
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    v1.6-v1.7 One Page Checkout - Single Page Checkout Option Module 4.2.4 (LATEST VERSION)

    Thank you very much. Love this one! :)
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    v1.6-v1.7 Braintree 3.2.1 (LATEST VERSION)

    Thank you, it works great!!
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    V1.7 SEO Audit - Best SEO practices 2021 - Incredibly good Module 2.3.7

    I would kindly ask you for v2.4.1 so I can install it on my new Prestashop store! Thank you in advance!!
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    v1.6-v1.7 v1.0.0-GadgetTheme Gadget & Electronics - Hi-Tech Phones, Watches Template

    Thank you very much! Love this theme! Buuutt... How to install it with two zip files?
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    v1.6-v1.7 Meta Generator

    Meta Generator.. Auto complete meta title, desc, etc
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    v1.6-v1.7 AutoUpgrade PrestaShop to! !!! LAST VERSION 4.12.0 !!!

    I did not sey it is paid module? A lot of my clients did not know for that auto upgrade. Sorry to bother you.
  14. T

    v1.6-v1.7 AutoUpgrade PrestaShop to! !!! LAST VERSION 4.12.0 !!!

    Auto Upgrade your Prestashop store to the last version I just did from Level: Beginner Just upload module and click one button ;) Best regards, Trontel