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    Interior Design and Architecture - Elementor Template Kit (Dehaus)

    Demo: Enjoy!
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    Joomla 4 crashes

    So the way you are doing it will automatically work if you have 0 extensions. Right now it is very easy to upgrade if you have no extensions. I guarantee it has to do with a 3rd party extension that is not compatible. Would not know what to tell you without knowing what you have installed that...
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    Is Joomla 4.0 stable yet ?

    I am using it and it works fine. Having issues with some extensions not working correctly with it but I am sure that will change within the next year or so.
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    DJ-Classifieds v3.8.0 - Joomla

    Thank you, will try it out!
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    hello there

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    PayPlans 4.2.3 full

    Thank you!
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    PayPlans Pro 4.1.4

    Not sure if it gave anyone else this error: Call to undefined method Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\File::read() Just wanted to give you a heads up.
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    What would be the best way?

    How would it be best to share paid components with the members here? Is there a certain way you guys do it? Thanks for the heads up.
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    Hello everyone!

    New here, just wanted to say hi and let you guys know I am here to make this site a better place than when I got here :)