Recent content by Anith

  1. Anith

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Creative Slider - Responsive Slideshow (Latest version - 6.6.11)

    You do not need licence for this module, so don't worry to much :)
  2. Anith

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Loyalty Coupons / Discount vouchers after purchase (Latest version - 2.3.11)

    Oh, so sorry, I totally forgot about the demo. Here it is:
  3. Anith

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Loyalty Coupons / Discount vouchers after purchase (Latest version - 2.3.11)

    Loyalty Coupons / Discount vouchers after purchase 100% safe download! Overview Build customer loyalty by offering discount vouchers for future purchases! Comprehensive and easy to configure, this module will enable you to create discount vouchers and send them to your customers automatically...
  4. Anith

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Off topic - Let's talk about the module development teams quality

    I'm not a programmer and I can't tell if code is good or not. I like the modules from Presta-Module, the prices are high and I hope the quality is too. In principle, I haven't had many problems with them, and the ones I have found have been fixed. I also like the Performance Pro - All in One...
  5. Anith

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Creative Slider - Responsive Slideshow (Latest version - 6.6.11)

    Overview Creative Slider is a premium multi-purpose slider to create image galleries, content sliders, and mind-blowing slideshows with must-see effects. It uses cutting edge technologies to provide the smoothest experience that’s possible. DEMO 100% safe download. Just downloaded from...
  6. Anith

    v1.7-v8x Advanced Search 5 PRO : Filters and facets SEO 5.1.0

    Do you have the latest version 5.1.1?? I wanna it sooo much! <3
  7. Anith

    V8x Request: Advanced Search 5 PRO 5.1.1 - Latest version

    Yes, you are right, the new version has some important fixes :)
  8. Anith

    V8x Request: Advanced Search 5 PRO 5.1.1 - Latest version

    Can anyone upload module Advanced Search 5 PRO 5.1.1 - Latest version please? :-)
  9. Anith

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Advanced Search 5 PRO 5.1.0. (latest) - bug?

    Could someone please check if there is a problem with the Advanced Search 5 PRO module on yours site too? To explain quickly, this module has the possibility to show, for example, sizes S/M under S and M. Or, for example, with colours, I can show different shades of blue under one colour, blue...
  10. Anith

    v1.7-v8x Responsive Slider Pro 1.6.7 for Prestashop 1.7.x > 8.x

    Thank you so much. I will test it! :)
  11. Anith

    V8x [HELP NEEDED] A module to add H1 to each category

    Hi my friends, I need a module to add a separate H1 title to each category. Does anyone know for such a module? Does it exist? In PrestaShop the H1 is the same as the category name, but it looks terrible if everything is like this in the e-shop menu: Bodysuits for baby Pants for baby...
  12. Anith

    V8x [REQUEST] Advanced SEO - Search Engine Optimization

    Hi, I would kindly ask you for last version of module Advanced SEO - Search Engine Optimization DEMO: If anyone has it, please please please upload it :) Best regards...
  13. Anith

    V8x REQUEST: SEO H1 categories and products

    Overview The SEO H1 categories and products module allows you to edit the H1 of categories, subcategories and products in your shop. Description The H1 is the title of the category, sub-category or product of our shop. It is easy to recognize the H1 because it is nothing more than the header of...
  14. Anith

    v1.7-v8x Easycheckout - one page checkout module for Prestashop 8 & 1.7 (LATEST 2.8.7)

    Easycheckout - one page checkout module for Prestashop 8 & 1.7 - LATEST 2.8.7 ! PrestaShop one page checkout module for 1.7 – Easycheckout. The Easycheckout module is a modern one page checkout module for Prestashop, it's compatible with most payment modules and carrier modules. 5.00 out of 5...
  15. Anith

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Headband : top-of-page banner the essential information to communicate to customers!

    Did you try it on Prestashop 8? On Addons it says that this module works till Link: