Recent content by Pixelate

  1. P

    new to nulledfrm but not communities

    What about commented or replying to a thread? I had 20 Nullcash and then I replied to a post and was deducted 4 nullcash. It doesn't seem right that we're encouraged to participate but then are deducted nullcash for replying, which to me IS participating! So will I be deducted another 4 nullcash...
  2. P

    how can i get more nullcash?

    I don't understand why "liking" a post is considered a negative ( nullcash deducted) even though it is contributing to the forum? Is replying to a comment also deducted or added, because replying to posts seems to be participating on the site. 1678125846 It seems there's a bunch of us that are...
  3. P

    PHP 66Biolinks Link in Bio software & discussion

    New to this site, so jumping in. I've been using 66Biolinks to create a "Link in Bio" SAAS platform like and I've noticed the last version posted on here is very old, and there doesn't seem to be any discussion or sharing about this software. I'm currently comparing...
  4. P

    new to nulledfrm but not communities

    Just joined today. Learning the ropes and the nulledcash system ( which is different than the other forums I'm a member of ). I'm looking forward to seeing how this community works. I'm currently looking at community and marketplace / directory related software to start my own web platform, so...
  5. P

    About NullCash System

    New to NulledFRM. Thanks for the info and hopefully I can get the hang of it!