Recent content by tst

  1. T

    Theme Wharehouse - PS 8.X - FREE!!!!

    yes latest is 4.6.4 version of theme for 8x so this is old
  2. T

    V1.7 MigrationPro: PrestaShop Upgrade and Migrate Tool V6.2.2 LATEST ** FIXED **

    thanks for sharing, maybe this module work fine for me
  3. T

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x MigrationPro: PrestaShop Upgrade and Migrate Tool 7.0.3

    i want to test it and ocmpare with ets migrate modue
  4. T

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Bulk / Mass editing products - 2.0.21

    thanks for share I want to try it
  5. T

    V1.7 Bulk / Mass editing products Module

    want to try it, to see if is possible to manage combinations prices separatly
  6. T

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x MigrationPro Ultimate: Migration, Migrate & Upgrade 4.4.8

    best migration module for prestashop
  7. T

    v1.7-v8x Custom HTML Block v3.2.3 Prestashop 1.7 and 8

    great module becouse it allow multiple confitation to show particular text
  8. T

    V8x Mega Menu Pro 2.5.2 ( Latest - 11/2023 )

    great navigation module, good mobile menu build in
  9. T

    v1.7-v8x MIGRATION 4.0: Best Upgrade, Migrate, MigrationPro Tool v4.4.1

    simply best migrator module on market for prestashop
  10. T

    V1.7 Google Merchant Center PRO (Google-Shopping) Module v1.8.3

    thanks for share with gtm module for prestashop
  11. T

    V1.7 Advanced Pack 5 v5.2.10

    thansk for share with this awesome prestashop module
  12. T

    V1.7 SOAPDPD DPD Labels Automatic - v1.1.0

    thans for share, however such modules should be free and provided by dpd
  13. T

    V1.7 Product options, bundles and customization [LAST UPDATE v4.0.8]

    greate module for visual configuration of products.!thanks
  14. T

    V1.7 Product Bundles Pro - Last Version

    looks like greate module, thanks for share!
  15. T

    V8x Cross Selling Pro - Upsell - Shopping cart & all pages

    thanks for share with such superb module