Recent content by Vipmart

  1. Vipmart

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Redundant Image Cleaner V4.5.4 by Elegantal

    Please do not copy and paste old version modulses :-(
  2. Vipmart

    V1.7 Add Shipping Number V1.6.1 by Samdha

    On Prestashop 1.7.8 doesn't work :(
  3. Vipmart

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Prestashop Product Countdown Module 1.5 - 8....

    A free module from Prestasite for displaying countdown timers for products. You can display countdown timers for all products with specific prices or enable them manually for selected products. 2 themes included. Multi store/ multi language compatible. Use a default position or place a...
  4. Vipmart

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Prestashop Multi Currency Module 1.6.1 - 8....

    A simple free module from Prestasite for advanced currency customization. It allows you to set prices in the back office in one currency and display them to customers in another currency by default.
  5. Vipmart

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x CONSEQUENCES FREE CUSTOM ACTIONS Prestashop Module

    This very interesting module will allow you to execute custom actions when something interesting happens in your store. You read that right. You can indeed automate almost anything inside your prestashop. Conseqs module will let you create rules like this: when new order is created then send...
  6. Vipmart

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Magic Redirect / Redirections URL (301 / Auto-fixing / Multishop / SEO) Module v1.8.01

    Predicts and automatically fix missing pages ! Easily manage all your missing pages and your referrals (404, 301 etc) on your shop (Multi-shop & languages ready). Automaticly redirect disabled and deleted front office pages ! From V1.5.2.0 to V8.0.4 Demo...
  7. Vipmart

    v1.7-v8x REQUEST - Module Klarna Payments V 4.0.1 Prestashop

    1. Yes, this is most likely the last free version :-( 2. May be :-)
  8. Vipmart

    v1.7-v8x REQUEST - Module Klarna Payments V 4.0.1 Prestashop

    This is the last update of the free module, then they made this module paid, 399:-EURO
  9. Vipmart

    v1.7-v8x REQUEST - Module Klarna Payments V 4.0.1 Prestashop

    I use without problems Klarnaofficial on
  10. Vipmart

    V1.7 Move & Sort Products Positions in Category and Brand Module

    Any one have this module ?!? Thanks
  11. Vipmart

    v1.6-v1.7 Order Manager: Edit, Delete, Export, Quick View & More v2.5.1

    Thanks for sharing. very useful!!!
  12. Vipmart

    V1.7 Creative Elements - live Theme & Page Builder Module v2.5.11

    Thanks!!! Awesome add-on!!! Thanks!!!
  13. Vipmart

    v1.6-v1.7 Ei Captcha Prestashop updated (V 2.4.0)

    ei Captcha - free module for google recaptcha for PrestaSghop 1.7 has been updated (V 2.4.0) + added new functionality! Tested on - works without errors! :)
  14. Vipmart

    v1.6-v1.7 Magic Redirect Prestashop

    Magic Redirect Prestashop