Search results

  1. S

    Download Elegant Themes Divi v4.23.1 ( updated 11-06-2023 )

    - Fixed an issue where the "Custom CSS" option was incorrectly appended with "CSS" during a search in the settings modal. - Fixed an issue where the class was not correctly replacing selectors when pseudo elements are involved. - Fixed a compatibility issue that occurred with WooCommerce...
  2. S

    Download Elegant Themes Divi v4.27.1 ( updated 08-12-2024 )

    - Fixed Elegant Themes product updates showing up in the WordPress admin for a short time after updating to the latest version. - Fixed global color issue for scroll down icon in fullwidth modules. - Fixed issue where Divi Builder fails to load when Woo Products Module is used and WooCommerce...
  3. S

    Duplicator – WordPress Migration & Backup Plugin pro (untouched)

    Duplicator is the most powerful migrator available. It enables you to: Move, migrate or clone a WordPress site between domains or hosts with zero downtime Pull down a live site to localhost for development Transfer a WordPress site from one host to another Manually backup a WordPress site or...
  4. S

    Duplicator – WordPress Migration & Backup Plugin pro (untouched)

    Duplicator is the most powerful migrator available. It enables you to: Move, migrate or clone a WordPress site between domains or hosts with zero downtime Pull down a live site to localhost for development Transfer a WordPress site from one host to another Manually backup a WordPress site or...