Search results

  1. S

    v1.6-v1.7 Marketplace Builder – Multi-vendor, multi-seller - 3.4.2V

    It is very old version of the module 3.7.7 is available on market
  2. S

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Marketplace Builder - Multi vendor - Multi seller Verison: 3.7.6

    Thanks for the update buddy. I will check it
  3. S

    V8x Performance Pro - image optimization (WebP), page-cache, cleaning tools ...

    This module is already exist with:
  4. S

    v1.7-v8x Performance Pro - All in One v2.6.1 (Newest 20 June 2024)

    Thanks for the module. Older versions had problems but hope this one works
  5. S

    v1.7-v8x PrestaShop Email Templates 3.8 - 11/SEP/2024

    seems useful i will check it later
  6. S

    v1.6-v1.7 JPresta Page Cache Ultimate 6.3.5 LATEST (PS 1.5 - PS 1.7)

    thanks for the module. I'll give a try
  7. S

    V8x Sunnytoo Advanced page cache module for prestashop - v1.0.7

    thanks for the module. I'll try it
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    V8x Easybuilder For PrestaShop - Frontend Page Builder & Frontend Theme Editor

    Please add request to the beginning of the title
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    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Amazzing filter v3.2.8 (01-05-2024) - Latest Version

    I like this model very much thank you for sharing
  10. S

    Divi Builder version 4.14.7 Full and practice to build a website

    Is there any demo link or sth to check?
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    v1.7-v8x SEO Audit - SEO Analytics, Pretty URL, Image & Sitemap 2.9.3

    Thanks for sharing the module. I will try
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    v1.7-v8x Marketplace Builder - Multi Vendor - Multi Seller 3.7.4

    Appreciate for the module. Nice sharing
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    v1.7-v8x SEO Audit - SEO Analytics, Pretty URL, Image & Sitemap 2.9.0

    Yeah it seems like it is not update on their website yet.
  14. S

    V1.7 Easybuilder For PrestaShop v1.2.0

    Does anyone have the newer version 1.2.2?
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    V1.7 Price History Chart module on product page

    I also need this module. Hope someone will share it
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    v1.7-v8x Super Speed - Incredibly fast - WebP, Cache & SEO

    Everybody says that this is the best of all times. I will try it
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    v1.6-v1.7 Cash on delivery (COD) 1.7.4 ,work on 1.7.7

    Is this a free module or paid one?
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    V1.7 Knowband - Cash on Delivery with Fee Module PRESTASHOP 1.7

    I'll give a try I already have one but i think it is not developed anymore
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    v1.7-v8x SEO Audit - SEO Analytics, Pretty URL, Image & Sitemap 2.7.9

    Thanks for the update buddy. Good work
  20. S

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Google Indexing API last version 2.0.7 <3<3<3

    Great sharing. Thanks for it bro. very helpful