Search results

  1. duttparul

    Add-Ons Epsilon Osclass Theme v1.4.2. For those who have been looking

    Thanks for v1.4.8 but currently it's version 1.5.3. Do share if you have. Thanks in advance.
  2. duttparul

    Who encountered this and how to solve it?

    Yes the ads don't display I checked also. Zeta theme has lot of bugs, like banner ads not displaying at all, the theme loads very slowly, and gives 500 http errors at random.
  3. duttparul

    Zeta Osclass Theme Version - 1.1.9

    Thanks. Yes glitches are there. And the theme is slow as compared to other themes. Please check on your server
  4. duttparul

    Osclass themes - jan 28 2025 - enjoy

    Good collection but what about the version? If you can add that would be great.
  5. duttparul

    Osclass plugin pack 28 jan 2025 - I hope you like it

    Nice collection of plugins. It would have been great if you could have mentioned the plugin version for each on the title. Thanks.
  6. duttparul

    New Year's Gift - Auction Osclass 1.0.7

    Thanks. Here Sure. Here's the link of the demo for you: 1736055977 Great plugin. Thanks a lot for your generous and kind share.
  7. duttparul

    Add-Ons Osclass Content Protection Plugin 😎🥳

    Thanks for sharing the new plugin. It will be very useful tool. thank you.
  8. duttparul

    Osclass zeta Theme tested no malware

    thanks for sharing the theme as it is cool.
  9. duttparul

    Android Mobile Application for Osclass

    Thanks for sharing this old but useful plugin
  10. duttparul

    Latest Osclass Zeta theme v1.1.1 for download

    Yes I second that. I too faced same issue. Theme is not installable. Please share your thoughts/fixes. Thanks
  11. duttparul

    OSclass plugin collection will add more to the tread!!!

    Thanks for a good collection of plugins. Also see the added plugins in the middle of this post page. Thanks
  12. duttparul

    Cache Osclass Plugin v1.2.2 (Current-Latest)

    The latest version is 1.2.4. Can we have that please? Thanks for 1.2.1 also.
  13. duttparul

    Google Maps Pro Osclass plugin...

    Thank you very much for the plugin. It will help us.
  14. duttparul

    Add-Ons Need Latest OSclass Banner Ads Plugin. Anyone please help!

    Need latest Osclass banners and advertisement plugin Any help please.
  15. duttparul


  16. duttparul

    Success Publish Box Osclass Plugin v1.2.0

    Thanks a log for sharing this nice plugin it is very helpful.
  17. duttparul

    Facebook Login - Osclass Plugin [Updated/Working]

    thank you so much for sharing the plugin. you saved coding time
  18. duttparul

    Osclass plugins

    thanks for sharing the plugins. old but still ok that not
  19. duttparul

    OSclass plugin collection will add more to the tread!!!

    thanks a lot for sharing and also for more in the middle
  20. duttparul

    Osclass Plugin Pack - New Updated Part 2

    good but again old and so will try