Search results

  1. K

    V8x I'm looking for CareerJob Osclass Job Theme

    Thank for this share theme, i hope its working 1734803437 the topic is really ugly, but I certainly appreciate sharing 1734803548 but I don't understand the administration, why is this topic in the prestashop forum and not in osclass
  2. K

    Theme Osclass Zeta Theme 1.0.5 💥 Change

    thanks fot this theme and sharing for us
  3. K

    HTML Jobcy v1.0 - Tailwind CSS Job Listing & Job Board Template

    do you can halp me, becouse send emails dont working 1733234387 app is verry good, but this is verry bed, becouse i cant send any email 1733235780 I need hapls with this sharing
  4. K

    Plugin for additional fields when registering a user Osclass

    Nerazumemovajpluginna zalostNerazumemovajpluginna zalostNerazumemovajpluginna zalostNerazumemovajpluginna zalostNerazumemovajpluginna zalostNerazumemovajpluginna zalostNerazumemovajpluginna zalostNerazumemovajpluginna zalostNerazumemovajpluginna zalostNerazumemovajpluginna...
  5. K

    How to downloaded YayCurrency Pro 2.4.2 NULLED

    can you demo what it looks like, maybe someone I don't know by name
  6. K

    Tlatter theme for Osclass

    thank you so much for this sharethank you so much for this share
  7. K

    Theme Violet for Osclass Theme v121 / ★★★

    corrupted file, blocks the site and everything when it installs
  8. K

    Theme Osclass theme Starter - I need epsilon theme

    Epsilon themes 1.4.8, full and nice
  9. K

    Add-Ons Email Template Osclass Plugin. Convert your emails sent by osclass into uniform and beautiful HTML form with

    interesting and useful addition. thank you 1731770680 but only if you are not already using email templates through the settings on the site itself
  10. K

    Add-Ons Osclass Content Protection Plugin 😎🥳

    interesting and useful addition. thank you
  11. K

    PHP search mooDating - PHP Social Network Dating Platform

    it would be great if someone adds, hopefully soon
  12. K

    PHP Live Streaming Plugin - Belloo Dating Software (Last Update: 21 December 2021) - Untouched

    does this app not offer the ability to change countries, or is it just me that won't do it? 1731610323 I tried everything, but I couldn't find anywhere how to change the list of countries....
  13. K

    PHP Epic Date 2.1 - Complete PHP Dating Script

    thanks for this, thanks, but dont working 1731610580 why no file will upload to the server. or i don't know... 1731610655 says it's a zip bomb... 1731610857 I couldn't download any of the files you posted, I wasted my credits 1731611010 it looks like it can't, the ad has to be visited
  14. K

    Tinder Clone - Best Dating App in 2024

    I dont understend, no download link, of what?
  15. K

    QuickDate - The Ultimate PHP Dating Platform v1.4.2 [nulled]

    thanks, i hope working this,but thanx anyway 1731609828 Hahahahahhahahaha, page not found 404, verry well
  16. K

    Latest Osclass Zeta theme v1.1.1 for download

    this theme is broken, it can't be installed, and if you load it via file manager, it has an error and blocks everything 1731394070 the error is at: functions.php on line 23 even when trying to delete from the server it throws the error functions.php on line 23
  17. K

    Add-Ons OpenStreetMaps Osclass 1.6.4 (latest version)

    is it possible to fix the plugin so that when an address is added to an ad listing, it appears on the map and not the other way around
  18. K

    osclass added an announcement pop-up box

    this is the window after posting the ad? I already have that, I don't need that this is the window after posting the ad? I already have that, I don't need that
  19. K

    osclass added an announcement pop-up box

    why post incorrect things???? Installed, but it doesn't appear anywhere, it's like it's invisible. miserable
  20. K

    User Custom Fields PRO Plugin.....

    what nonsense, realistically, you post a picture of a functional add-on, and the downloaded file doesn't work. miserable