Search results

  1. bugrastar

    IOS-Android Whatsapp Status Saver & WhatsApp Business in your hand Does the project have source code?

    I need the following project or similar current version source code. link:
  2. bugrastar

    King WordPress Viral Magazine Theme Nulled

    Can you upload the updated version?
  3. bugrastar

    [Request]Puva - Online Blogging & Affiliate Product Reviews WordPress Theme

    Title for your request: Puva - Online Blogging & Affiliate Product Reviews WordPress Theme Version: v2.1 Link:
  4. bugrastar

    Disto WordPress Blog Magazine Theme Nulled

    I've been searching for this on google, thanks for sharing. :)
  5. bugrastar

    King v7.0.2 – WordPress Viral Magazine Theme

    theme old version please install the latest updated version?
  6. bugrastar

    How to Fix Destructive Ads Can you help?

    uygulamam 2 yıldır play store'da yayında olup uygulamada sadece reklam banneri ve paso bulunmaktadır. ancak, Yıkıcı Reklam nedeniyle kaldırdılar. Bu soruna bir çözüm bulamadım. Yani, yardımına ihtiyacım var.
  7. bugrastar

    Adult video upload sites that you can recommend

    I am looking for sites where I can upload adult videos and earn money by watching these videos. I'm looking for a website like vidmoly or vidoza but get sites that will allow adult content
  8. bugrastar

    How Can I Change Wordpress Theme Language?

    i get it, thanks for helping. At that time, I will use a page translation plugin. Visitors can translate the site into any language from there
  9. bugrastar

    How Can I Change Wordpress Theme Language?

    I tried, but some articles on the website do not appear there, for example, there is a download text, but the loco is not in the translation
  10. bugrastar

    How Can I Change Wordpress Theme Language?

    I don't want to open websites in different languages. I want to change the language of the theme I use on the website
  11. bugrastar

    How Can I Change Wordpress Theme Language?

    no I want to change the languages in the theme content. For example, there is a Notification Text and I want to write and edit it in russian or any other language. 1657545526 I am using the Loco Translate plugin, I have changed most of the site but some parts are still unchanged. I'm looking at...
  12. bugrastar

    How Can I Change Wordpress Theme Language?

    The language of the theme I am using is English, but I want to translate it to other languages. How can I do that. Thank you to everyone who helped
  13. bugrastar

    Android 1000 Android Apps Source Codes EXCLUSIVE -

    Thank you for your sharing. I will download it and add it to my archive now :)
  14. bugrastar

    How can I add a Download Limit to Wordpress Members?

    Aklımda bir şey var. Wordpress üzerinden dosya yayınlamak istiyorum fakat üye paketlerine göre indirme limiti olacak, örneğin: Yeni Üye 15 Dosya indirme limiti olacak ve üye paketine göre indirme limitini arttırmak istiyorum. Sizce bunu nasıl ve hangi eklentiyi kullanarak yapabilirim?
  15. bugrastar

    How can I earn NullCash credits?

    How can I earn NullCash credits?
  16. bugrastar

    WordPress Download Manager Pro 6.1.5 + All Addons

    this is a great post all addons are here. Thank you!!! 1656710491 WPDM – İndirme Limiti eklentisi ekleyebilir misiniz?