Search results

  1. Kramix

    v1.6-v1.7 GLOBO Prestashop Contact Form Module – Form Builder Pro

    oh yeah, this module is very good 1603613671 thanks cdwcc
  2. Kramix

    v1.6-v1.7 Advance Blog Module v.3.5.0

    Hello, I'm encountering a problem with simplified urls The parameter "{module_action}" of the action "module-advanceblog-detail" is required (URL: "blog{/:id}-{post}") The parameter "{module}" of the action "module-advanceblog-detail" is required (URL: "blog{/:id}-{post}") The parameter...
  3. Kramix

    Best ways to Earn NullCash?

    it's honest, free in exchange for activity
  4. Kramix

    v1.6-v1.7 Advance Blog Module v.3.5.0

    thanks for sharing, I will test this module immediately
  5. Kramix

    Difference between Woocommerce and prestashop ?

    prestashop is preferable for physical products I think
  6. Kramix

    V1.7 Mazlay v1.0 - Car Accessories Prestashop Theme

    Thank you for you sharing
  7. Kramix

    V1.7 Stickers and Labels on products 1.7.6, V1.5.5

    thanks for sharing !
  8. Kramix


    hello, have you ? : thanks!
  9. Kramix

    v1.6-v1.7 Mass Product Quantity & Price Update Module

    thanks. very useful when dealing with a lot of products.
  10. Kramix

    Thanks for hosting this nice form

    Welcome to you, indeed this site is awesome thanks to the community
  11. Kramix

    v1.6-v1.7 Module Discount Countdown Pro [v2.0.5]

    thank you very much, this module seems very interesting
  12. Kramix

    v1.6-v1.7 Related Products - Cross selling All in One Module - v3.0.2

    thanks for share this module !
  13. Kramix

    V1.7 [Request] - Leo Moto

    I would also be interested in having it. :)
  14. Kramix

    hi all, just new member

    Bonjour à toi , welcome :-)
  15. Kramix

    Hello world, je suis Français

    Bonjour à tous, Ravi de faire partie de la communauté, j'espère pouvoir rapidement cerner comment vous fonctionnez Bonne journée à tous
  16. Kramix

    v1.6-v1.7 Prestashop Live Chat Module

    merci beaucoup ! est ce compatible avec la 1.7 ? 1602322150 merci beaucoup, je pense que ce module est tres interessant