Search results

  1. K

    v1.7-v8x One Page Checkout PS 4.3.0 - Converts the checkout your store something nice

    Тhank you very much for this mdule. Thank you!
  2. K

    v1.7-v8x Store Delivery / Store pickup v2.7.4

    @fack755 Thank you for sharing this fix.
  3. K

    v1.7-v8x Electron Mega Electronic Super Store v4.4.0 - Update May 9, 2024)

    Mega cool theme. Thanks for sharing.
  4. K

    Product Variants Pro | Custom Variant Groups

    Great module for subproducts, like in fishing stores for example where you have 1 main product and many variations of the same product. tha should be listed with the main product customer to choose from.
  5. K

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Gigapack Collection V2 - Updated (221 addons for prestashop)

    WOW ! Thank you for sharing ! Great collection.
  6. K

    v1.7-v8x Amazzing filter - Powerful filter (ver. 3.3.0)

    Thank you for your content plugin .Top for large stores.
  7. K

    v1.7-v8x Store Delivery / Store pickup v2.7.4

    Good but old ver. of the module ! Please share more recent version :)
  8. K

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Redis Cache v3.4.12 (Newest 5 March 2025)

    This module is a must. Thank you very much for shaing !
  9. K

    REQUEST - Cloudflare CDN Prestashop

    I am also looking for this module. It is a must.
  10. K

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x HOME PRODUCTS PRO: featured products, home categories v2.2.9

    Thank you so much for sharing this awesome module! Is it still actively supported ?
  11. K

    Looking for a responsive classy theme for prestashop ecommerce CMS

    Try Zone Supermarket, i belive it is one of the best themes for multiple (over 10000) products.
  12. K

    v1.7-v8x Performance Pro - All in One v2.6.1 (Newest 20 June 2024)

    This addon is a must for every PS installation. Also add site to Cloudflare + Redis module.
  13. K

    v1.7-v8x Advanced Top Menu by Presta Module - Mega menu responsive 1.13.6 Last version

    I belive Mega menu Pro is much better than this one !
  14. K

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Redis Cache v3.4.12 (Newest 5 March 2025)

    Anybody tested under Docker installation ? Should you manually install php redis extesnsion, or module is responsible for this ?
  15. K

    V8x Mega Menu PRO PrestaShop 8.2 v2.6.3

    Is this version compatible to PS ? Or it is only 8.2 compatible ?
  16. K

    v1.7-v8x ZOne - Supermarket Online Shop - v2.7.2

    One of the best responsive multi shop themes !