Search results

  1. R

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x WhatsApp Live Chat With Customers & WhatsApp Business - 2.0.0

    Thanks a lot for sharing this module, I will check it
  2. R

    v1.7-v8x Total Search Pro: Products, Categories, CMS And More v2.2.2

    Thanks a lot for sharing this module, I will check it
  3. R

    V1.7 Sirv CDN - Prestashop Module

    thanks a lot for sharing this module!
  4. R

    v1.7-v8x Jpresta Speed Pack (Page Cache Ultimate + Lazy Loading + WEBP) v8.8.49

    thanks a lot for sharing this module!
  5. R

    v1.7-v8x Premium Google Tag Manager 4.1.0 ( 09.2023 )

    Thanks for sharing, it is good to have you here!!!!
  6. R

    v1.7-v8x Google Analytics : Google-Analytics 4 (GA4) tag 2.2.5

    mocjas graias brothjer necesitava esta merda
  7. R

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Super Speed - Incredibly fast - Webp, GTmetrix & Google 1.8.2

    nice module thx i use this evertday
  8. R

    V8x Google Merchant Center PRO (Google Shopping) 1.8.4

    nice module thx i use this evertday
  9. R

    V1.7 mypresta Maximum product quantity 2.0.8

    Nice module. Thank you for sharing, bro.
  10. R

    V1.7 Aliexpress Dropshipping module for Prestashop

    Nice module. Thank you for sharing, bro.
  11. R

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x WhatsApp Integration PRO - Quick Order, Chat, Agents

    Nice module. Thank you for sharing, bro.
  12. R

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x ETS WhatsApp Whatsapp integration module v1.0.2

    i use this in 1.7 and i don't have this o web - don't work
  13. R

    v1.7-v8x EU Cookie Law GDPR (Banner + Blocker) 2.1.7

    thanks this module works great for me
  14. R

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Import/Update Bulk Product from any Csv/Excel File Pro V1.1.29

    dobra robota panie kolego..... oby tak dalej
  15. R

    v1.6-v1.7 Prestashop Email Templates (Design 2021)

    wczoraj się narąbałem wódką.... zjadłem ogórka kiszonego i pobrałem załącznik
  16. R

    v1.7-v8x Creative Elements - live Theme & Page Builder v2.9.14.9

    Isn't there a problem with the blocked text editor block in this add-on?
  17. R

    V1.7 product-discounts in Creative Elements

    Right now i use default theme for product
  18. R

    V1.7 product-discounts in Creative Elements

    I am creating a theme for a product in presta 1.7. I am building to on Creative Elements. In the normal theme in the product I have a table with discounts. Does anyone know how to add this using Creative Elements? it is about <section class="product-discounts">. in addition, it does not...
  19. R

    V1.7 Automatic downloading of price list from google table.

    I would like my store to download for example every 6 hours a table from google sheets and apply changes in prices and quantity of goods in stock. What addon do you recommend?
  20. R

    V1.7 What do you think is the best way to modify the look of prestashop

    I have a store on presta. i would like to change graphic design. can you recommend me what would work best?