Search results

  1. M

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Product Catalog (CSV, Excel, XML) Export PRO Prestashop v5.2.2

    Thanks a lot for sharing. Need to export about 80k products and all modules I tried are crashing, hope this is the good one.
  2. M

    Why You Should Avoid Nulled WordPress Themes

    After years working with wp I'm sick of themes or plugins that seem to be the good one and result been crap. I use nulled for testing before purchasing. Depends on the job, client and budget, if the theme fits, I ended up purchsaing the theme. I think we all know it's risky.
  3. M

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Easy Import Products From CSV, EXCEL, XML, JSON, TXT 7.7.0

    Way better import than the native prestashop one. Thanks for sharing.
  4. M

    Avada v7.11.13 - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

    Thanks for sharing. Does this version show "Unregistred" sign on admin?
  5. M

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Block Bots / Users based on IP, Country or User-Agent v1.1.10

    Thanks a lot! Need to block dozen of IP bots. Hope this helps.
  6. M

    Is there any viruses in these files ?

    I understand that you are referring to content shared by other users. Yes, there is a possibility that it is infected software, although there are users who detect it and report it. Luckily it hasn't happened to me. It's a small risk you'll have to take.
  7. M

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Module Product Extra Tabs v 2.2.1

    Thanks for sharing. Just need and extra text field for every product, hope this works.
  8. M

    How do I earn NullCash? Any tips or advice to get started? 🧐💸

    Just interact normally. Unless you need a huge amount of content (not common), with just posting you can achieve enough. You can share something too, but be sure there is not other thread with the same content.
  9. M

    v1.7-v8x MigrationPro Ultimate: Migration, Migrate & Upgrade v4.4.5

    Thanks for sharing you saved my a** (y)
  10. M

    Adobe Photoshop 2025 26.0 Pre-Activated

    Thanks for sharing! I belive this update needs avx2 compatibility wich my mac pro 6,1 don't have...need to try.
  11. M

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Creative Elements - live Theme & Page Builder v2.11.1 (Newes 2 Oct 2024)

    Thanks a lot for sharing need to update asap for 8.2 compatibility.
  12. M

    Reply to this post for FREE nullcash

    Today I posted on a suspicious thread :unsure::LOL:
  13. M

    V8x Mega Menu PRO PrestaShop 8.2 v2.6.1

    Thanks for sharing! Need some visual menu and need to try first with creative elements. Hope it works.
  14. M

    V1.7 Comparative PageSpeed Insights of various themes !!! And win...

    I used warehouse a lot. Although you can improve front speed, it allways get poor score on pagespeed insights. Tried all typical speed modules, and possible configurations without success. But some clients only trust the pagespeed and want good puntations. Now I'm using the classic theme with...
  15. M

    V8x Mega Menu PRO PrestaShop 8.1 v2.5.9

    Thanks for sharing. Does this works fine with creative elements?
  16. M

    v1.7-v8x Google Customer Reviews Module (last version)

    Thanks for sharing! Hope it is compatible with creative elements.
  17. M

    v1.7-v8x SEO Audit - Best SEO practices 2023 v2.6.0

    Thanks for sharing. Does it work on PS8? -edit Don't work fine with creative elements, thanks btw
  18. M

    V8x Premium Google Tag Manager v4.2.1

    Thanks for sharing. Tried manual installation on head but didn't work idw
  19. M

    V8x EXTRA OPTIONS - custom product options v1.2.7

    Thanks a lot for sharing! I need add extra cost option to one product without considering quantity. Hope this one can do it, on their demo it's not clear.
  20. M

    WPML 4.6.4 Nulled + Media Translation 2.7.3 + String Translation 3.2.6 + Woocommerce Multilingual 5.2.0

    Thanks for sharing. Does it works without license?