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  1. S

    Zeta Osclass Theme Version - 1.1.9

    Thanks a lot, I was looking fo rthe last version
  2. S

    Pagination error in alpha theme - strange behavior

    Hi guys, just wondering if some of you experienced a pagination error in alpha theme. I get all kinds of <> before the page number (I didn’t change anything in the css or whatever). This happens after creating categories and allowing sellers to link ads in the parent category. once the issue...
  3. S

    Theme Osclass Gamma theme in version 1.6.0

    It's perfectly working on my 8.2.1 ...
  4. S

    Zip file is not valid - installing theme is not possible

    I’ll give it a try, thanks for the advice !
  5. S

    Zip file is not valid - installing theme is not possible

    Hi all, Maybe I missed something, but I downloaded 2 themes form this forum for Osclass. I tried to install them, but I get this Invalid Zip file message each time I try. I also tried to import a theme form another source to see, and same issue. Can someone let me know if there's a special...
  6. S

    Theme Osclass Gamma theme in version 1.6.0

    Hi all, happy to share this theme with you.
  7. S

    Swiss guy happy to be a part of this community

    Hi everyone, Just discovered this awesome community, unbelievable !! I hope I'll be able to help with some content, but at this time, I'm here to read, test and discover. So feel free to ask, because I'll feel free to do so :-)