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  1. S

    V1.7 Hack guide. How to disable PrestaTrust for anonymity your action to French PS server

    this is perfect , thank you good and detailed tutorial
  2. S

    v1.6-v1.7 Deepl, Google and Bing translation Module

    wow :D this makes life much easier thank you for sharing
  3. S

    JSON-LD MICRODATA and OPEN GRAPH integration - SEO

    this is a must! perfect thank you : D
  4. S

    v1.6-v1.7 Preestashop script to remove last 22 July exploit

    wow very good ! thank you for sharing. This is important
  5. S

    V1.7 [MODULE] Google Indexing API Module

    this is gooood ! thank you much better than sitemap
  6. S

    V1.7 Comparative PageSpeed Insights of various themes !!! And win...

    very instresieng ! a lot of themes that still uses old jquery and bootstrap 3 .. !
  7. S

    V1.7 Redis Cache Prestashop Module by Teamwant

    this just speeded up my site ! thank you very much !
  8. S

    v1.6-v1.7 Import/Update Bulk Product from any Csv/Excel File Pro Module v1.1.24 (LAST 2022)

    perfect ! thank you ! this is what every shopper needs