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  1. P

    XF2 Add-on [XTR] XENTR - Hot Threads 1.0.4 - Xenforo Add-Ons

    v1.03 works perfect with the same theme but not v1.04. Im pretty sure i tried the default theme.
  2. P

    XF2 Add-on [XTR] XENTR - Hot Threads 1.0.4 - Xenforo Add-Ons

    i cannot get the flame showing on this 1.0.4 version, tried every setting to no avail. please somebody help, thanks.
  3. P

    Hello guys, just introducing myself

    Im a noobie here also so welcome from me :)
  4. P

    XF2 Add-on [CC|T] Copy code 2.0.0 - XenForo 2

    This seems an interesting addon, thanks alot :)
  5. P

    XF2 Add-on Chat 2 by Siropu (2.2.)

    Is this just the 2.2.0 version? or the latest 2.2.6?
  6. P

    How to get Null cash?

    Thanks for the short tutorial @ post 1, not seen this method before.
  7. P

    Greetings Fellow Members! A Welcome From Me.

    Hi there just joined, i hope i enjoy my stay :)