don't work on PS error 404 on cronjob link
I don't have installed this module yet, but if the cronjob doesn't work, my guess is probably for a (stupid) link reason, so my 2 cents is to check carefully the name of the module and compare it with the name (of the module) in the cronjob.
I explain:
On PS inferior to 1.7, the module
ps_reminder was called
followup, so the cron was:
But starting with PS1.7, the module was renamed
ps_reminder, but the cron is still unchanged on the BO from the module, as in the BO from PS1.7.5.1, it still show:
Of course, if you make a cronjob with .../followup/... instead of .../ps_reminder/... , that's will never work, and you will get a splendid 404 error!
So to work correctly, the cron must be:
Another thing to check, if you use Prestashop with one or more language than English (let's say French to keep the things simple), is that the mails are present in the folder NAME-OF-THE-MODULE/mails/fr/ ... because without mail to send for all additionals languages, the cronjob will give a superb 404 error.