XF2 Add-on [AddonFlare] Paid Registrations 1.2.0 - XenForo


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May 16, 2021
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Discover the most effective way to maximize your ad revenue and rotate ads without the hassle...
  • If you want your forum to thrive and stay online, you've got to monetize it.
  • I didn't make the rules. That's just how it is.
  • Ads keep your forum running and give you a sweet extra source of income.
  • But are you actually taking full advantage of your ads?
  • How much ad revenue are you losing each day because you don't have an easy way to sell or rotate ad spots?
  • Sure, you might have google ads... but do you how much money you're still leaving on the table?
  • Imagine if buyers could pick and choose exactly when and where to show their ads. And if you were able to set dynamic prices calculated by a number of factors such as ad position, location, duration, page type, page traffic and more.
  • Better yet, what if you could combine google ads with user paid ads?
  • Yeah... I know what you're thinking.
  • And you're right. $$$
  • If you don't want to get the most revenue from your ads, you might as well close this page. This add-on is probably not for you.
  • Here's the BIG secret, not all buyers want to buy a 7, 15, or 30-day ad subscription... in fact, most don't.
  • They rather buy ads based on their specific needs. I mean, who wouldn't? It's human nature.
  • If you don't offer what they want, they won't buy from you.
  • You're currently losing so many potential buyers that are looking for something you don't offer and you don't even know it!
  • How much happier (and more willing) to buy ads from you would they be if they had this freedom?
  • Why not give it to them and stop losing the money they're ready to pay you?
  • Do certain areas of your forum get more traffic?
  • You shouldn't have to settle for the same price on every ad.
  • There's no doubt that some ads should cost more than others.
  • It's about time you get paid for what they're actually worth. Your pockets will thank you.
  • Introducing "Paid Ads"
  • Originally built as a custom vBulletin add-on for EpicNPC back in 2016, the new Paid Ads has been rebuilt from scratch and improved for XenForo 2!


Compatible XF Versions 2.0 , 2.1 , 2.2


  • AddonFlare_Paid-Ads-Powerful-Ad-Rotation-System_1.2.0.zip
    182.4 KB · Views: 0