AI Translator v3.1.2 Last Update: 09/2024
Translate shop contents using the most advanced AI translation engines: Google, DeepL, ChatGPT 4-o, ChatGPT 4-o-mini, and others. HTML formatting remains consistent in translated results
We have selected the most advanced translation providers known for their high-quality output: Google Cloud, DeepL, OpenAI (ChatGPT 4-o, ChatGPT 4-o-mini, ChatGPT 4-o-turbo, ChatGPT 4.0, ChatGPT 3.5), Watson (IBM), Azure AI (Microsoft), Yandex.Translate.
Most providers mentioned above offer free packages allowing you to process a large volume of translations without extra cost.
All translations are saved in a native manner, just as if you had entered the data manually in BackOffice and clicked the 'Save' button. This module supports Multishop, so translations can be different for every shop. After automatic translations are saved, you can easily edit
Select what type of content should be translated: Products, Categories, etc…
Bulk translate multiple items in one click, or translate items one by one
Translate to one or multiple languages
Optionally select fields that should be translated (for example, only product names or product descriptions)
Optionally translate only fields that are empty of have same value as original
Translation ratio is displayed for each item in resource list
Translations are saved in a native way, same as if you edited them manually
After translations are ready, you can easily edit them in a standard way
Multishop is supported, so translations can be different for every shop
No any core files are modified
The structure of native database tables is not modified
Translate shop contents using the most advanced AI translation engines: Google, DeepL, ChatGPT 4-o, ChatGPT 4-o-mini, and others. HTML formatting remains consistent in translated results
This module allows you to translate different resources of your shop into multiple languages while maintaining the HTML formatting. It is successfully used in thousands of shops from around the world.We have selected the most advanced translation providers known for their high-quality output: Google Cloud, DeepL, OpenAI (ChatGPT 4-o, ChatGPT 4-o-mini, ChatGPT 4-o-turbo, ChatGPT 4.0, ChatGPT 3.5), Watson (IBM), Azure AI (Microsoft), Yandex.Translate.
Most providers mentioned above offer free packages allowing you to process a large volume of translations without extra cost.
All translations are saved in a native manner, just as if you had entered the data manually in BackOffice and clicked the 'Save' button. This module supports Multishop, so translations can be different for every shop. After automatic translations are saved, you can easily edit
Select one of the top-level AI translation providers like: Google, DeepL, Azure, ChatGPT, etc…Select what type of content should be translated: Products, Categories, etc…
Bulk translate multiple items in one click, or translate items one by one
Translate to one or multiple languages
Optionally select fields that should be translated (for example, only product names or product descriptions)
Optionally translate only fields that are empty of have same value as original
Translation ratio is displayed for each item in resource list
Translations are saved in a native way, same as if you edited them manually
After translations are ready, you can easily edit them in a standard way
Multishop is supported, so translations can be different for every shop
No any core files are modified
The structure of native database tables is not modified