Theme Features
- 10+ Portfolio showcase layouts.
- Landing page included.
- Built with Elementor.
- Compitable with WooCommerce.
- AJAX page transitions.
- GSAP included.
- Smooth scroll plugin. (Coming Soon)
- Interactive mouse cursor.
- Parallax scroll effects.
- Easy page settings.
- Swiper Slider use.
- Fully responsive
- Fully customizable
- Custom page loader
- Page scroll effects
- Simple and convenient
- Documentation included
- Browser compatibility
- Clean & modern design
- Well commented HTML elements
- Custom grid layout.
- Google fonts
- Icofonts.
- W3C validated code.
- Classic and fullscreen menu styles.
- And more!
Showcase Carousel responsive bugs fixed.
Showcase List header scolling bug fixed.
Showcase Slideshow responsive design adjustments.
Demo content install issues fixed.
Projects carousel multiple category seperator added.
Multiple showcase slider bug fixed.
Smooth scroll feature beta version added (activate it from “Theme Settings => Smooth Scroll”).
Responsive design adjustments.
Minor bug fixes.