Amount left for free shipping module displays the amount left to get free shipping, it can encourage your customers to buy more to get free shipping. There are several ways to set free shipping on PrestaShop, check this post How to setup free shipping for orders over a specified amount on PrestaShop. This module works in these two ways:
1) Using the "Free shipping starts at" setting.
2) Adding a Free shipping range to carriers.
Where the amount left for free shipping can be shown.
- All cart summary setiosn, like the ones on the Shopping cart page, the checkout page and the popup cart window.
- On the header of all pages.
Three different message templates.
- Message template for "Free shipping starts", it will show out when the cart is empty.
- Message template for "Get free shipping if you order X or more", it will show out when the shipping isn't free.
- Message template for "Free shipping", it will show out when the amount of order has reached the amount needed for free shipping.
There are 4 variables you can use in the message template.
- {amount_left} if you put this in the meesage tempalte, it will be replaced by the amount left for free shipping.
- {starts_at} this will be replaced by the amount needed to get free shipping.
- {total} this will be replaced by the total amount order.
- {carrier} this will be replaced by the carrier who provides free shipping.