![pic001.jpg pic001.jpg](https://www.nulledfrm.com/data/attachments/76/76754-acf03c133f85d134d70a370f43d42725.jpg)
Allows searching posts and thread titles using exact text.
- Advanced search link is added to your Forums tab navigation bar.
- Exact text searching.
- Case insensitive.
- Accent insensitive.
- Search posts or titles.
- Search all forums or only those you select.
- Search by tags.
- Search by username option.
- Search word not required.
- Ability to create predefined search links.
- All phrases start with advancedsearch_ for your convenience.
- Download Andy-AdvancedSearch-2.3.zip and unzip it.
- Copy the src/addons/Andy/AdvancedSearch directory to your server.
- From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
Q: Will search text be found in private forums?
A: Only if viewer has view privilege for that forum.
Q: Will search text be found in soft deleted posts?
A: No.
Q: Can I enter any search text including parenthesis, quotes, slashes and similar text?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I enter partial words?
A: Yes.
Q: Does this add-on require Enhanced Search?
A: No.
Q: What is the purpose of the Form action in the Options page?
A: If you select 'get' you can capture the link used in a specific search. This allows you to create links to specific search results.
![pic003.jpg pic003.jpg](https://www.nulledfrm.com/data/attachments/76/76755-7f44f2694d507591f521dfadca102fff.jpg)
Compatible XF Versions 2.0 , 2.1 , 2.2