Automatic Open Graph Tag Generator
This module generates Open Graph tags automatically from plenty of information through keyword variables like {product_name}, this keyword display the product's name.
The keywords named properly, so you will know what they going to display.
Under every generator field, you can find the available keywords for the current field. Just click Show/Hide and the available keywords show up.
If you click on the selected keyword, it will insert into the attached generator field at cursor position.
By default the generated SEO Meta Tag information displays as Open Graph information also. You are able to change this in module configuration to
generate more suitable information for social sharing.
The module handles the share images as well. It can uses the different contents images like product, category, manufacturer, etc. You are able
to upload default images for different content types, so if the content does not have an image, then it displays the default image.
This module generates Open Graph tags automatically from plenty of information through keyword variables like {product_name}, this keyword display the product's name.
The keywords named properly, so you will know what they going to display.
Under every generator field, you can find the available keywords for the current field. Just click Show/Hide and the available keywords show up.
If you click on the selected keyword, it will insert into the attached generator field at cursor position.
By default the generated SEO Meta Tag information displays as Open Graph information also. You are able to change this in module configuration to
generate more suitable information for social sharing.
The module handles the share images as well. It can uses the different contents images like product, category, manufacturer, etc. You are able
to upload default images for different content types, so if the content does not have an image, then it displays the default image.