Module for manage all the store products on an easy and fast way using barcodes EAN13 or UPC. Mass import barcodes with name, price, size, reference and barcode.
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- Allows to generate product barcodes with or without combination
- Mass barcode import by product.
- Instant-printing function or tag saving for a later printing of all tags together
- Tag configurator with most used models, also you can customize the sizes.
- Order validation by barcode function, if all your products uses our system you will be able to validate product by product the order using the barcode scaner before sending it and you will avoid errors and shipping costs.
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Addon Prestashop Barcodelabel -
Addons for Prestashop 1.7 and 1.6 Barcode labels, print labels of your products with bar codes, make inventories in a simple way