== Description ==
Posts Table Pro provides an easy way to list any content from your WordPress site in a searchable and sortable data table.
It supports posts, pages, products, custom post types, featured images, taxonomies, custom fields and much more.
To use, simply add the shortcode `[posts_table]` to any page.
Under the hood, it uses the [jQuery DataTables](http://datatables.net/) library to provide the searching and sorting
features, as well as pagination and responsive layouts.
== Installation ==
1. Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload and select the plugin ZIP file (see link in Purchase Confirmation Email).
1. Activate the plugin.
1. Enter your license key under Settings -> Posts Table Pro.
1. Go to any post or page and add the shortcode `[posts_table]`.
1. See the full list of [shortcode options](https://barn2.com/kb-categories/posts-table-pro-kb/) to configure your table.
Requires at least: 5.8
Tested up to: 6.3.1
Requires PHP: 7.2
Stable tag: 3.1.1
== Changelog ==
= v3.1.1 =
Release date 7 September 2023
* Fix: Fixed renaming filters on table builder that were not working.
* Fix: Fixed MIME type not being set on table builder.
* Fix: Fixed Safari tabindex bug that scrolled the page after clicking outside an option.
* Fix: Fixed bug on table builder when selecting no post type.
* Tweak: Added emptyFilter to language default translations.
* Tweak: Added filter slug to the table builder custom filter options.
* Tweak: Removed unnecessary messages from wizard page.
* Dev: Check submenu existence to remove some php error messages.
Info: https://barn2.com/wordpress-plugins/posts-table-pro/