Features Booked – Appointment Booking for WordPress
- Shortcode appointment calendar and widget.
- Custom intervals for holidays/closed days and more.
- Custom fields to collect custom information for every appointment.
- A powerful backend interface for managing appointments.
- Color picker to change your calendar color.
- Appointment buffer to prevent appointments from being set too close to the current date and/or time.
- Customers can manage their own appointments.
- Customers can manage their account information.
- “Add to Google Calendar” button for your customers.
- Customizable emails are sent to you and your customers.
- Front-end and admin are both fully responsive.
- Fully translatable
- Customize color
v2.4NEW: Development tweaks to make upcoming updates faster and more efficient
TWEAK: Replaced all icons with FontAwesome 6
TWEAK: Design tweaks throughout
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/booked-appointments-appointment-booking-for-wordpress/9466968