Booknetic Nulled – WordPress Appointment Booking and Scheduling system is an Online Appointment Booking Plugin that supports Woocommerce, Paypal, Stripe, SMS/Email notifications, reminders, manageable calendars, customizable templates, form builder, multiple category levels and many more features.
v3.1.2 – 29 Apr 22
+ Show appointment details on the Confirmation step when the Cart step is disabled;
+ Added an ability to change the "Bring People with You" labels on the Visual Translator module;
+ Added an ability to change the "Multi-booking" labels on the Visual Translator module;
+ Fixed the bug related to the appointment statuses on the Calendar module;
+ Fixed the bug related to the WooCommerce payment;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Custom Forms;
+ Fixed the bug related to the duplicating Booknetic blocks on WordPress - Pages;
+ Fixed the bug related to the Google Calendar and Zoom when the payment is not verified;
+ Fixed the conflict with the Font Awesome in the Customer Panel;
+ Fixed the CSS conflict with pages where the booking panel placed;
+ Fixed the issue related to the customer time zone on the Customer Panel;
+ Fixed the issue related to the "Any staff" option;
+ Fixed issues related to {appointment_sum_price} and {appointment_total_price} keywords;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed small bugs
Step 1: Install the two plugins on this post thread: Booknetic Main v277 and SaaS v173
Step 2: After install in wp, activate both plugins
Step 3: Download SAAS FIX DB zipped file (have 2 folders inside)
Step 4: Open NEW FIX folder, and edit the file inside “NEW_DB_BKNTC_SAAS_FIXG3v2.txt”, changing “YOUR-PREFIX_” to your usual prefix (default: “wp_”)