BuddyPress Profanity Filter helps you maintain a safer BuddyPress community. You can use it to filter and replace unwanted words and make your community more inclusive for all.
It allows you to easily censor words in your BuddyPress activity update posts, BuddyPress activity comments, BuddyPress private messages subject, Private messages content, and more. BuddyPress Profanity Filter has flexible options that control easily these censor content over your community.
If you are looking for a profanity filter for BuddyPress or BuddyBoss platform or some way to censor some words on BuddyPress or BuddyBoss platform, The BuddyPress Profanity Filter plugin will help you achieve it.
- Allows site admins to create their custom profanity/censored words list.
- Allows site admins to enable/disable profanity filter for Posts, Comments, BuddyPress Activity Updates, BuddyPress Activity Comments, BuddyPress Private messages, bbPress forum content, etc.
- Has Option to enable case sensitive or insensitive matching for the profanity words.
- Has to Option for enabling strict filtering(whether to match individual words or even parts of the word in a sentence).
- Allows site admins to select different symbols for replaced characters in the censored words.
- Allows admins to control how the matched profanity words will be replaced.
- Has to Option for site admins to get notified when any content with censor words is posted.

info: https://buddydev.com/plugins/buddypress-profanity-filter/