Create a community of employers & candidates and get up and running within minutes. Moreover, you can monetize your job board by offering packages to this community.
Job boards can be complex applications having many moving parts, which not only requires senior level code expertise but if you hire a good developer it may cost thousands of dollars, not to mention months of time wasted. The good news? we already took care of it.
Employer User Flow
- Front-End Submission: A user can have access to the front-end job (or resume) submission, even without registration (configurable). However, you can configure your site to force user account creation at the time of submission or you can simply disable front-end submission for non-registered users.
- Employer’s Dashboard: A user can get registered on your job board as an “employer” or “candidate” which will allow him/her access to a dedicated dashboard panel, where he can manage all listings associated with his account.
- Manage Jobs (Add, Edit, Remove, Disable): Once the user has posted his listing (job or resume), he can manage listing from the dashboard, which means he can add new job vacancies, resumes, edit or disable existing listing or remove them altogether.
- Renew Jobs: If you’ve assigned your job listing a deadline it’ll expire on due time and you can opt to renew the expired job if needed.
- Job Applications: Once the job listing is approved and published you can accept job applications via different methods, you can define an external site from where you can accept application, you can provide an email address or you can accept job applications directly to your dashboard.
- Job Bookmarks: In addition to handling own job listing(s), an employer can save or bookmark listings (resumes or jobs). The bookmarks would be available from the dashboard.
Candidate User Flow
- Front-End Submission: Similar to jobs, a user can submit his resume/cv directly from the front-end without requiring user registration (configurable).
- Candidate’s Dashboard: A user can get registered on your job board as a “candidate” which will allow him/her access to a dedicated dashboard panel, where he can manage all resume listing associated with his account and perform additional tasks.
- Manage Resumes (Add, Edit, Remove, Disable): Once the user has posted his resume listing, he can manage listing from the dashboard, which means he can add new resumes, edit or disable existing listing or remove them altogether.
- Job Applications: If the candidate has applied to any job directly on the website, he can see all his past applications listed in the dashboard for record purpose.
- Bookmarks: While job-hunting if the candidates likes some job listing he can save or bookmark job listings right from the front-end. Later, he can access all his bookmarks from the dashboard.
- Job Alerts: What is the best way to keep your users engaged with your website? With job alerts feature, you can offer your candidates a way to subscribe to your job listing with a given criteria (keywords, location, job type, email frequency etc).
Capstone Features
The theme requires various core functionality plugins, but you don’t need to buy them separately as they are bundled with the theme package. These add-ons includes:
- Resume (enable candidates to upload their resume and list them)
- Bookmarks (add the option to bookmark listings)
- Job Alerts (enables you to schedule job alerts based on custom criteria)
- Applications (provides job application management interface)
- Application Deadline (enables a dead-line option for job listing)
- Job Tags (used to fine‐grain your listings filtering)
- Simple Listing Payment (sell a single listing spot at a fixed price)
- Paid Listings (sell quantity based listing packages)
- Loco Translate (translate theme to other languages – RTL not supported yet)
Notes: Item no loner available