i need polylang pro 3.5.1 please help me
- Translate posts, pages, media, categories, tags
- Translate Custom post types and custom taxonomies
- Translate menus and widgets
- Use subdirectories, subdomains or separate domains
- WPML API compatibility
- Translations can share the same slug in the URL
- Translate slugs in URLS
- Duplicate the content when creating a translation
- Enable or disable languages.
- Translate posts, pages, media, categories, tags
- Translate Custom post types and custom taxonomies
- Translate menus and widgets
- Use subdirectories, subdomains or separate domains
- WPML API compatibility
- Translations can share the same slug in the URL
- Translate slugs in URLS
- Duplicate posts across languages
- Enable or disable languages
- REST API Support
- Additional integration with plugins