Contact form plugin for WordPress website is the best solution to receive messages from customers right to your email address(-es). Download, activate and paste [bestwebsoft_contact_form] shortcode on any page, post or widget to display the form. Customize the form styles and contents easily with the pre-build options.
- Add contact form to any post, page or widget using the shortcode
- GDPR Compliant
- Data validation before the submission
- Send a copy of the submitted message to the email
- Receive submissions to the default admin or custom email addresses
- Add additional data about the sender to the email notification:
- Sent from (IP address)
- Date/Time
- Sent from (referer)
- Using (user agent)
- Responsive Layout
- Editable field labels
- Required fields
- Select used/required for the following fields
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- File attachments
- Multiple file selection
- Enable additional pre-build fields
- Enable two column layout
- Change the width for contact form
- Re-order form fields using drag & drop interface
- Translate your form to any language with a simple language customizer
- Protect contact form from spam with Captcha or reCaptcha
- Limit sending emails from the same user using Limit Attempts
- Add custom code via plugin settings page
- Compatible with latest WordPress version
- Incredibly simple settings for fast setup without modifying code
- Detailed step-by-step documentations and videos
- Multilingual and RTL ready
- Add contact form custom fields
- Show, hide or disable fields:
- Name
- Email Address
- Subject
- Message
- Add “Reply to” email address in the message head