Create that amazing deals, discounts or coupons website with CouponHut, a clean modern responsive design, drag and drop page builder, custom widgets and rating system included.
CouponHut has been expressly designed and developed to create a world’s best practice Coupon and Deals website, powered by the world-wide CMS WordPress. It is perfect for an affiliate website with its powerful Options Panel and Member Registration.
You need a sticky website so that your visitors engage with your content and share your coupons with their family and friends for a low abandon rate, right? Studies show that today’s users are mostly engaging with web content on their handheld devices.This means your new website needs to display beautifully across a wide range of different devices; desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets of all shapes and sizes. And who needs the hassle? CouponHut has takes care of all of this for you and more. Developed to cater for the plethora of today’s electronic gadgets, tablets and smartphones leaving you nothing to do, except take over the world with your amazing coupon code deals!