Adding to the already enjoyable user experience, the code editor offers syntax highlighting, including easy to use line numbering, automatic indentation and color coding, to make the code writing process even easier. The plugin also saves changes via AJAX without reloading the editor to ensure that users will not lose their place while writing lines and lines of code. With all code edits kept separate from the core files and theme files, WordPress users can make CSS and JavaScript edits with comfort and confidence knowing that all core WordPress and theme code will remain intact.
- Use the CSS Live View functionality in the Custom CSS editor to preview CSS changes in near real time in a second browser tab/window (on supported web browsers).
- CSS Live Preview works on any page in your site, not just the homepage.
- Use features of the SASS CSS extension language, such as variables, nesting, and more. A SASS compiler is included with the plugin.
- The code editor features syntax highlighting for CSS and JavaScript, line numbering, and automatic indentation.
- CSS and JavaScript changes are saved via AJAX without reloading the editor to preserve progress.
- Multi-file interface splits code across multiple virtual files, accessed via tabs above the editor, allowing the developer to work systematically and organize code files.
- The multi-file interface works using a single file compile process, helping to preserve frontend performance.
- As changes are saved in the respective custom CSS or JavaScript files, a timestamped revision is created, allowing users to revert to a previous version of the file if desired.
- All CSS or JavaScript code is combined into a single CSS or JavaScript file, optionally minified to reduce file size, and served directly from the filesystem to avoid additional database queries when custom code is loaded on the frontend.
- Save and reuse general-purpose code with the import and export function. Simply click the Download button to get the latest revision as a file or click Download All to get all of the CSS or JavaScript files at the same time in a single zip file.
- Compatible with any standards-compliant WordPress theme.