Replace your default invoice and order number into more meaning numbers that you can relate. Add counter, date, year, brand name and more to personalize your order and invoice numbers.Description
What is a better order number 123456 or ABC-08-21-25 where the ABC represents your brand name, 08 and 21 represents the month and year, 25 represents the order number.By customizing the order and invoice numbers you cannot only differentiate the order numbers from reset of the competitors, you can also get important information about the order by just looking at the order number.
Available Variables/Tabs
- : This tag generates a random number. If you use this tag, the system automatically displays the field "Random number length" to select the length of the random number.
- : This tag generates alphabetic references. If you use this tag, the system automatically displays the field "Random alphabetic length" to select the length of random alphabetic reference.
- : This tag generated alphanumeric (numbers and alphabetical characters together) reference. If you use this tag, the system automatically displays the field "Random alphanumeric length" to select length of random alphanumeric reference.
- : This tag generated automatically counted values. You can choose the starting value of the counter and a step, which represent the counter value rising. You can reset the counter by following options
- Each Week
- Each Month
- Each Year
- If Date Reach Selected Date
- If Counter Value Reaches Selected Value
- Never
- : This tag generates an order ID number.
- : This tag generates a shop ID number.
- : This tag generates the actual year number.
- : This tag generates a shortcut of the actual year, for example 15,16,17.
- : This tag generates the actual month number.
- : This tag generates the actual week number.
- : This tag generates the actual day in week number.
- : This tag generates the actual day in month number.