Enfold is a clean, super flexible and fully responsive WordPress Theme.
Sep 27th 2021 – Version
feature: sticky footer with curtain effect for streched layout (theme option "Footer" tab)
feature: new option "Font Hover Color" in Theme options -> Advanced Styling -> "Menu Links in overlay/slide out"
feature: new theme option "Main Menu -> Menu Handling for Mobile Devices In Landscape Mode"
feature: Add image size option to following ALB elements:
- Image
- Image with hotspots
- Magazine
- Masonry
feature: add SEO support for qualified outbound links (rel = sponsored, ugc) to ALB elements
feature: disable responsive images for single ALB elements - must be activated with "add_theme_support( 'avia_show_alb_responsive_image_option' );"
added: svg and webp to filterlist for ALB image in backend
fixed: CSS for tooltips of social share buttons broken when blog element is disabled
fixed: small CSS improvements for TEC
fixed: avia pagination breaks with additional query parameters
fixed: masonry gallerie CSS for mobile
fixed: highlighted column overlap incorrectly
fixed: Horizontal Gallery not loading full width on first load when added below a Color Section
fixed: CSS for Vertical Timeline Milestone Contentbox ol & ul Bullets missing
fixed: remove duplicated aria-hidden="true" from slide navigation arrows
fixed: CSS TabSections left aligned when Theme Options -> General Layout -> Fixed Frame
fixed: ALB video - all videos repeat after the end, except Youtube videos
fixed: DivisionByZeroError fatal error on Logoslider when SVG images (or image types not having a width) are used
tweak: modify page as footer options text to be more clear
tweak: WooCommerce remove lazy load attribute for main image on single product page because above the fold
tweak: ALB Magazine element added note that options for heading text are found in "Advanced" tab
tweak: remove post titles link on single blog post (linking back to own entry)
tweak: removed "Helvetica Neue" fonts from fallback fonts stack as this is not a free font and not supported PC and some other browsers and devices
tweak: add backend preview for ALB accordion and improve color styling
tweak: add animated backend preview for ALB Progress Bars
tweak: added selector "#header_main .container .logo svg" for logo in js/avia-snippet-sticky-header.js
added: filter 'avf_color_sets' - modify color sets for backend
added: filter 'avf_alb_linkpicker_memory_limit' - modify php memory limit when filling selectbox for linkpicker in ALB elements
added: action 'ava_before_footer_output' - fires after a possible curtain container div had been written
added: action 'ava_after_footer_output' - fires before a possible curtain container container div will be written
added: action 'ava_after_footer' - fires after footer closing div had been written
added: filter 'avf_alb_image_copyright_text' - allows to modify ALB image copyright text e.g. to keep HTML tags
added: filter 'avf_preview_window_js_support' - allows to disable js support in preview windows (currently used by Accordion and Progress Bars)
added: filter 'avf_alb_rel_attr_for_link' - allows to e.g. remove noreferrer from rel attribute of links from ALB elements
added: filter 'avf_show_curtains_media_option' - show theme option to have more control about footer height to switch back to scrolling with page
added: theme support avia_show_alb_responsive_image_option - activates feature to deactivate responsive images in single ALB elements
removed: deprecated “image-rendering: optimizeQuality;” from base.css
removed: theme support 'avia_rel_nofollow_for_links' - replaced by theme option SEO Support -> Support ALB Elements To Qualify Links
compatibility update: jQuery 3.0 ( replace deprecated $( document ).ready( handler ) )
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version (close to, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version (close to, provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: sync all language files (
updated: typo in german lanuage files
moved enfold\js\avia-admin-preview.js to enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\assets\js\avia-admin-preview.js
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