Event Booking Release - V5.0.4 Retail


Active member
May 11, 2022
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1. Compatible With ACYMailing 10

The ACYMailing team recently release ACYMailing 10, which is a new major release of their extension. In that version, they made some backward incompatible changes, and that causes fatal error in Events Booking if you use Events Booking - AcyMailing plugin (on add/edit event and registration process). I updated the plugin to compatible with this latest version of ACYMailing, and need to release this new version of Events Booking to make sure everything will continue working well if you use the plugin and updated to ACYMailing 10.

2. Improve Custom Field

- Allow easier choosing more client validation rule for custom field as described in documentation docs.joomdonation.com/eventsbooking/basi...ted-validation-rules . You can choose some new rules for your custom field using Validation Rules setting.
- For quantity field, show available quantity of each option even for super users/administrators

3. Other Improvements

- Allow controlling Deposit Amount Apply For setting for each event instead of just a global setting which is applied for all events.
- Support more tags like [REGISTER_DATE], [TICKET_ NUMBER] for the email message send to group members.

4. Small Bugs Fixes

- Fixed link to event from mini calendar does not use Event Details URL (if set for the event)
- Fixed Number custom field type, allows setup Min, Max and Step in decimal number (before, you can only integer, mean you could not set step to 0.01 for example)

Compatible with ACYMailing 10 to make sure registration process continue working well is the main reason for this quick release. Please update your site to this latest version of Events Booking to use these improvements and bugs fixes, especially if you are using Events Booking - ACYMailing plugin. Thanks for continue using our products and support our development.


  • event_booking_unzip_first_5.0.4.zip
    5 MB · Views: 3