== Description ==
Display **completely customizable**, **responsive** and **search engine crawlable** versions of your YouTube feed on your website. Completely match the look and feel of your site with tons of customization options!
= Features =
* **Completely Customizable** - by default inherits your theme's styles
* YouTube feed content is **crawlable by search engines** adding SEO value to your site
* **Completely responsive and mobile optimized** - works on any screen size
* Display videos from any channel in a list, gallery, carousel slider or grid
* Display videos from your **favorites list**
* Show a feed of live streaming videos on your site.
* Allow **filtering** of videos using keywords in the description or title
* Fully functional **search endpoint** for display videos from a search result
* **Combine multiple feeds** into one
* Customizable **actions when video completes** like displaying a link to a product page for example.
* Download video data into a **custom post type** to allow visitors to browse and view videos on your website.
* Display **multiple feeds** from different YouTube channels on multiple pages or widgets
* Post caching means that your YouTube feed loads **lightning fast** and minimizes YouTube API requests
* **Infinitely load more** of your YouTube videos with the 'Load More' button
* Built-in easy to use "YouTube Feed" Widget
* Fully internationalized and translatable into any language
* Display a beautiful header at the top of your YouTube gallery
* Enter your own custom CSS or JavaScript for even deeper customization
Requires at least: 4.1
Tested up to: 6.4.3
Stable tag: 2.2.4
== Changelog ==
= v2.2.4 =
* Fix: Plugin hardening.
info: https://smashballoon.com/youtube-feed