== Description ==
Add and edit posts, pages, users, terms, ACF fields and more all from the frontend.
(Previously called ACF Frontend)
This awesome plugin allows you to easily display frontend admin forms on your site so your clients can easily edit content by themselves from the frontend. You can create awesome forms with our form builder to allow users to save custom meta data to pages, posts, users, and more. Then use our Gutenberg block or shortcode to easily display these forms for your users.
So, what can this plugin do for you?
== Installation ==
1. Make sure both Advanced Custom Fields is installed and activated.
2. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/acf-frontend-form-elements` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
4. Create a form under Frontend Admin > forms.
5. Choose the desired form type.
6. Configure the fields permisions, display, and other settings as you please.
7. Copy and paste the shortcode on any page. You can also use our Gutenberg block.
8. You should now see a form on the frontend for editing a post, adding a post, editing or adding a user, and more.
Requires at least: 4.6
Tested up to: 6.4.3
Stable tag: 3.21.0
Requires PHP: 5.6.0
== Changelog ==
= v3.21.0 - 28-05-2024 =
* Added ajax submit feature to free version
* Improved delete button html
* Added logic to check if post exists before attempting to render edit post form and delete button
* Added logic to check if user exists before attempting to render edit user form and delete button
* Added option to customize redirect based on which submit button is triggered
info: https://www.dynamiapps.com/frontend-admin/