Fuse React
The Ultimate Admin Dashboard Template for Modern Web ApplicationsElevate your admin dashboard experience with Fuse React!
Fuse React is a top-tier admin dashboard template that combines cutting-edge technology with enterprise-grade features.
Fuse React is not just a template; it’s a comprehensive toolkit that empowers you to build and manage your applications with unparalleled ease and flexibility.
Key Features:
- Advanced Technology Stack: Built with Redux, RTK Query, TypeScript, and Vite, Fuse React TS ensures top-notch performance and scalability.
- Material UI & TailwindCSS Integration:Offers a professional, intuitive user interface, enhanced by the adaptability of TailwindCSS.
- Comprehensive Application Designs: Comes with a variety of pre-designed applications like Analytics Dashboard, E-Commerce, Calendar, and more, demonstrating the template’s versatility.
- Customizable Page Designs: Includes a range of page designs with multiple variations, including Authentication and Pricing pages, to cater to all your design needs.
- Configurable Template Layouts: Offers diverse layout options like Horizontal, Vertical, Folded Navigation, and more, for a personalized dashboard experience.
- Advanced Features: Equipped with JWT Authentication, Code Splitting, Custom Color Management, Multi-Language Support, and RTL Support, ensuring a feature-rich admin panel.
- Developer-Friendly Tools: Includes tools like Eslint and Prettier, aligned with the Airbnb JavaScript style guide, for standardized, efficient coding practices.
Package Content:
- Demo and Skeleton Projects
- Documentation for easy onboarding
- Reusable React Components
- Example Apps and Pages
info: https://themeforest.net/item/fuse-react-react-redux-material-design-admin-template/21769397