Hi I'm Pedro from Spain , dev 20y exp


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Oct 3, 2024
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I'm Pedro from Spain,
and I've been messing around with websites and SEO for about 20 years now. Pretty wild, right? Anyway, I stumbled across this forum and thought it'd be a cool place to hang out and test some plugins and code before I actually use them on real sites.

So, here's the deal - I've been knee-deep in web stuff for ages. I've built all sorts of sites, from tiny personal blogs to massive e-commerce platforms. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP - you name it, I've probably cursed at it at 2 AM while trying to fix some weird bug.

SEO's been my jam too. I've ridden the Google algorithm rollercoaster more times than I can count. Remember when keyword stuffing was a thing? Yeah, we've come a long way since then!

Lately, I've been having a blast with affiliate marketing. It's like a game, you know? Finding the right niche, creating content that doesn't make people want to close the tab immediately, and then watching those sweet, sweet commissions roll in. Okay, maybe not "roll in" - more like trickle in at first, but hey, it adds up!

Some stuff I've learned along the way:

  1. Pick a niche you won't hate writing about (trust me on this one)
  2. Don't just copy/paste product descriptions - actually use the stuff if you can
  3. SEO is important, but don't forget real people are reading this stuff
  4. Email lists are gold - treat them well
  5. Diversify! Don't put all your eggs in the Google basket

Anyway, I'm always down to chat about web dev, SEO tricks, or how to make money with affiliate sites. Got questions? Fire away! I'm not gonna pretend I know everything, but I've probably made enough mistakes to help you avoid a few.

Oh, and if anyone's got some cool new tools or plugins they want someone to test out, I'm your guy. I love playing with new tech - it's like Christmas morning for nerds!

So yeah, that's me. Looking forward to hanging out with you all and geeking out over code, keywords, and conversions. Let's make some awesome (and profitable) stuff together!