Konte is a unique and modern WordPress e-commerce theme built with Bootstrap and powered by Elementor and WPBakery Page Builder. It was built for your digital store, hi-tech store, watch store, men store, women store, clothing store, furniture store, bookstore, cosmetics shop, luxury jewelry, and accessories store…
Furthermore, this amazing theme is integrated with WooCommerce, many plugins with lots of features, mini cart, custom widgets, unlimited color schemes, Sliders with smooth transition effects, Menus with multiple column styles, and advanced widgets… You are free to control this theme in order to make your store more friendly and adorable for your customers…
Let’s experience this awesomeness and explore more features in this theme. We are sure that you will fall in love with our Konte at first sight.
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 6.4
Stable tag: 2.3.3
== Changelog ==
= Version 2.3.3 =
- Update - Update bundled plugins.
- Tweak - Update the wishlist icon on header based on plugin's settings.
- Tweak - Support the new X icon of Twitter.
- Tweak - Update style of the WooCommerce notices.
- Tweak - Update style for cart and checkout blocks.
- Fix - The mini cart is not updated when the button is clicked on a single product page.
- Fix - The product panel opens by default.
- Fix - Mobile bottom bar appears above the cart panel.
- Fix - Typography settings for custom fonts do not have the "Regular" option.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/konte-minimal-modern-woocommerce-wordpress-theme/23162599