== Description ==
LaunchFlows is a WordPress plugin that makes it easy to create powerful Sales Funnel features with WooCommerce. No longer are you limited to a “shop” grid with individual sales pages, cart, and single checkout.Instead, you can provide a custom user journey through your products or services.
== Installation ==
Upload and activate the plugin, then go to LaunchFlows tab in the admin dashboard. There you can configure your global settings or apply your license for automatic updates and support. See our [Getting Started Guide](https://launchflows.com/documentation/how-to-install-launchflows/) for more information on setting up your application.
Requires at least: 6.0
Tested up to: 6.4
Stable Tag: 4.4.22
Requires PHP: 7.4
WC requires at least: 6.0
WC tested up to: 8.6.1
info: https://launchflows.com/== Changelog ==
03-14-24 - version 4.4.22
*Update - fix syntax error for lf_bump variable