If you a looking for a fresh contemporary ready-made web solution for your flooring firm, or a construction bureau or architecture company, shop or maintenance services agency (like roofing, plumbing, carpentry, remodeling or decorating), ThemeREX has crafted Mahogany. The layout includes anything you might need to present your firm to your potential clients.
Mahogany is 100% responsive and Retina ready so no worries about how your website looks on each of the devices. To showcase your works and projects, you will find a variety of gallery layouts at your disposal. We made the theme WooCommerce ready, so building an online store of floor tools and equipment shouldn’t take you much time and efforts. Do not miss a chance to give an exposure to your business with our new WordPress theme!
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/mahogany-flooring-company-wordpress-theme/2122000704.07.2022 Version 1.1.3 – Update
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.0 has been improved;
- Compatibility with PHP 8.1 has been improved;
- Theme styles have been improved;
- All plugins have been updated to their latest versions