The Google Analytics Extension for MainWP simplifies viewing your Google Analytics data for all Child Sites within your MainWP Dashboard.
It adds a global widget on the MainWP Overview page and an individual widget on each Child Site’s Overview page. The widget displays the number of visitors to your Child Sites and provides valuable insights to make informed decisions to grow your online business.
Why Google Analytics for MainWP?
The MainWP Google Analytics Extension is designed for viewing all data from a single MainWP Dashboard, eliminating the hassle of navigating through multiple Google Analytics accounts to access and understand your Child Site’s analytics.It also gives you the ability to incorporate these stats into your reports to share them with your clients, keeping them well-informed about their website’s performance.
Some key features:
- Track Views
- Average Engagement Time
- Users and New users
- See Users by Country and by Devices stats
- Views by Page
- Sessions by Source
- Bounce Rate
- See weekly or monthly stats
- Organize widgets as per your preference
- View data via graphs for better visualization
And a lot more…
– Visitor Data
Discover the power of the “Visitors Data” section within the Google Analytics Extension, offering a simple way to access comprehensive stats for all your Child Sites.Switch between sites and gain valuable insights, making it a breeze to monitor and optimize their performance.
– Add Account
Quickly connect multiple Google Analytics accounts using the Google API Console or uploading a JSON file.This streamlined approach simplifies the connection process, making it effortless for you to add your accounts efficiently.
– Widget on MainWP Overview Page
The Google Analytics Widget on the MainWP Overview page displays a summary of your Child Site’s Google Analytics stats, allowing you to quickly monitor each Child Site.Gain valuable insights at a glance, quickly spotting anomalies or trends in your Child Sites’ stats.
– Individual Child Site Overview Widget
Experience seamless tracking and monitoring with the Google Analytics widget not only on the MainWP Overview page but also on each Child Site’s overview page.This ensures comprehensive insights and easy access to analytics for each Child Site, empowering you with valuable information to optimize and drive success.
– Include Stats Inside Reports
By quickly incorporating these statistics into your reports or emails, you keep your clients well-informed and showcase the outstanding results of your hard work.== Installation ==
1. Please install plugin "MainWP Dashboard" and active it before install Google Analytics Extension plugin (get the MainWP Dashboard plugin from url:
2. Upload the `mainwp-google-analytics-extension` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
3. Activate the Google Analytics Extension plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
== Changelog ==
= v5.0.1 - 3-14-2024 =
* Updated: Revised the notification for missing analytics data to guide users in connecting their Google Analytics account and assigning properties to MainWP sites.