Mixy - Organic, Food, Cosmetic Prestashop Theme
With 100% web responsive designed, Mixy Organic Prestashop theme makes your shop look stunning, professional and highly customizable on any devices. Just by some simple drag & drop operations in Mega menu admin panel, you can self-design your menu interface as you want without code knowledge requirements. What is more, Mixy is integrated with other strong Prestashop modules like Slideshow Slider module, products module, daily deal module, Blog, Testimonilas, etc. Customizing color, font, background, layout of header and footer, styles of product page, product gridin admin panel without editing code.
Mixy - Organic, Food, Cosmetic Prestashop Theme Preview - ThemeForest
<p><strong>Mixy Organic</strong> is an amazing <strong>Prestashop theme&l...