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Modern Video Playery is a extremely powerful video and audio player that supports all kind of embeddable media, from HTML5 video formats to Youtube videos, Youtube live feed, playlists, channels, Vimeo videos, albums, channels, collections to reading folders of video, audio or image files, Apple HLS and MPEG DASH live streaming, 360 virtual reality videos and images, embed any HTML into the player like Facebook videos, Google maps and much more.
Player can serve multiple video quality for both desktop and mobile browers, display video subtitles in multiple langauges, control playback speed, multilangauge audio support for live streaming.
Modern Video Player also supports unlimited playlists and each playlist can contain unlimited number of videos. Each playlist can also contain mixed media inside, so we can have self hosted videos, Youtube videos and some images mixed inside the same playlist.
Player is packed with a huge amount of features and customization options from different layouts, skins, color customization, social sharing, external API, video advertisments (pre-roll, mid-roll, end-roll) videos, video ads, popup ads, HTML ads, annotations during video playback (HTML elements appear over video showing at specific time intervals), private / password protected videos, Google Analytics, Google Adsense. Support for VAST formats in the player are VAST / VMAP / IMA / VPAID, SIMID.